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Grasberg mine (Papua, Indonesian)

Minggu, 09 November 2014
The Grasberg Mine is the largest gold mine and the third largest copper mine in the world. It is located in the province of Papua in Indonesia near Puncak Jaya, the highest mountain in Papua, and it has 19,500 employees. It is mostly owned by Freeport-McMoRan, which owns 90.64% of PT Freeport Indonesia, the principal operating subsidiary in Indonesia, including 9.36% owned through its wholly owned subsidiary, PT Indocopper Investama. The Government of Indonesia owns the remaining 9.36% of PT Freeport Indonesia. FCX operates under an agreement with the Government of Indonesia, which allows Freeport to conduct exploration, mining and production activities in a 24,700-acre area (Block A). It also conducts exploration activities in an approximate 500,000-acre area (Block B). All of Freeport's proven and probable mineral reserves and current mining operations are located in Block A.[1] The 2006 production was 610,800 tonnes of copper; 58,474,392 grams of gold; and 174,458,971 grams of silver.


In 1936, Dutch geologist Jean Jacques Dozy was a member of an expedition that scaled Mount Carstensz, the highest mountain in the Dutch East Indies. While there, he made notes of a peculiar black rock with greenish coloring, and spent several weeks estimating the extent of the gold and copper deposits. In 1939, he filed a report about the Ertsberg (Dutch for "ore mountain"). He was working for Nederlandsche Nieuw Guinea Petroleum Maatschappij (NNGPM), an exploration company formed by Shell in 1935, with 40% Standard Vacuum Oil (Mobil) interest and 20% Far Pacific investments (Chevron subsidiary).
In March 1959 the New York Times published an article revealing the Dutch were searching for the mountain source of alluvial gold which had been flowing into the Arafura Sea. Geologist Forbes Wilson, working for the Freeport mining company in August 1959 after reading Dozy's 1936 report, immediately prepared to explore the Ertsberg site. In 1960 the expedition, led by Forbes Wilson and Del Flint, confirmed the huge copper deposits at the Ertsberg. It was financed by Freeport Sulphur, whose directors included Godfrey Rockefeller, Texaco chairman Augustus Long, and Robert Lovett.
In 1963, Dutch New Guinea was transferred to Indonesia, and the mine was the first under the new Suharto administration's (see New Order) 1967 foreign investment laws intended to attract foreign investment to Indonesia's then ruined economy. Built at 4,100 metres (14,000 ft) above sea level in one of West Papua's most remote areas, it involved a capital and technology input well beyond Indonesia's resources at the time. Construction cost was $US175 million, $US55 million above the original budget.[3] A 116 km road and pipeline, port, airstrip, power plant and a new town called "Tembagapura" (literally: copper town) were built. It officially opened in 1973 (although the first ore shipment was in December 1972), and was expanded by Ertsberg East, which opened in 1981. Steep aerial tramways are used to transport equipment and people. Ore is dropped 600 metres (2,000 ft) from the mine, concentrated and mixed with water to form a 60:40 slurry. The slurry is then pumped through a 166 km pipeline through mountains, jungle and swamp to the port at Amamapare, dried and shipped. Each tonne of dry concentrate contains 317 kilograms of copper, 30 grams of gold and 30 grams of silver.
In 1977 the rebel group Free Papua Movement attacked the mine. The group dynamited the main slurry pipe, which caused tens of millions of dollars in damage, and attacked the mine facilities. The Indonesian military reacted harshly, killing at least 800 people.[4]
By the mid-1980s, the original mine had been largely depleted. Freeport explored for other deposits in the area. In 1988, Freeport identified reserves valued at $40 billion at Grasberg (Dutch, "Grass Mountain"), just 3 kilometres (1.9 miles) from the Ertsberg mine. The winding road to Grasberg, the H.E.A.T. (Heavy Equipment Access Trail), was estimated to require $12 million to $15 million to be built. An Indonesian road-builder who had contributed to the Ertsberg road took a bulldozer and drove it downhill sketching the path. The road cost just $2 million when completed.
The 2003–2006 boom in copper prices increased the profitability of the mine. The extra consumption of copper for Asian electrical infrastructure overwhelmed copper supply and caused prices to increase from around $1500/ton to $8100/ton ($0.70/lb to $4.00/lb).

Mine workings

The Grasberg Mine complex from space. Puncak Jaya is the high point of the snow-covered ridge to the east of the mine. The peak is at 4,884 metres (16,024 ft) above sea level. The rim of the open pit is at about 4,270 metres (14,010 ft).
The workings include a very large open pit mine, an underground mine and four concentrators. The open pit mine – which forms a mile-wide crater at the surface – is a high-volume, low-cost operation, producing more than 67 million tonnes of ore and providing over 75% of the mill feed in 2006.
Ore undergoes primary crushing at the mine, before being delivered by ore passes to the mill complex for further crushing, grinding and flotation. Grasberg’s milling and concentrating complex is the largest in the world, with four crushers and two giant semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) units processing a daily average of 240,000 metric tonnes of ore in 2006.
A flotation reagent is used to separate a copper-gold concentrate from the ore. Slurry containing the copper-gold concentrate is delivered by three pipelines to the seaport of Amamapare, over 70 miles away, where it is dewatered. Once filtered and dried, the concentrate – containing copper, gold and silver – is shipped to smelters around the world.
The facilities at the port also include a coal-fired power station, which supplies the Grasberg operations.[5]


Freeport's Contract of Work Area. Deep purple in the river is mine tailings (2003).
The concentrator's tailings, generated at a rate of 230,000 tonnes per day, are the subject of considerable environmental concern, as they wash into the Aikwa riverine system and Arafura Sea. Some 130 square kilometres (50 sq mi) (eventually 230 square kilometres (89 sq mi))[6] of lowland areas along the Aikwa River, are covered by braided sedimentary channels indicative of high sediment load (similar to glacial runoff). Native fish have nearly disappeared from now-turbid waters of the Aikwa River. The overburden (700 kt/d) [7] remains in the highlands, up to 480 m deep and covering 8 square kilometres (3 sq mi). Its acidic runoff, dissolved copper, and the finer material gets washed into the headwaters of the Wanagon River. It settles out along the river course and then into the ocean, and will continue to do so indefinitely. Freeport's official response is that overburden is placed in the highlands as part of its Overburden Management Plan, at "sites capped with limestone and constantly monitored. Tailings are transported to the lowlands in a designated river system. Once reaching the lowlands, they are captured in an engineered system of levees built for that purpose." Freeport states that its discharges meet regulatory requirements.
In 1995, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) revoked Freeport's insurance policy for environmental violations of a sort that would not be allowed in the US. It was the first action of this sort by OPIC, and Freeport responded with a lawsuit against them. Freeport states that this revocation was based on a misunderstanding, the result of a single 1994 visit to Grasberg; the company later underwent an independent environmental audit by Dames & Moore, and passed. In April 1996, Freeport canceled its policy with the OPIC, stating that their corporate activities had outgrown the policy's limits. However, the OPIC report was later publicly released [8]

Environmental damage

The mine is located within what used to be a small equatorial mountain glacier.[9][not in citation given] Steepening of slopes related to mining activities, as well as earthquakes and frequent heavy rainfall, have resulted in landslides within the open pit mine.[citation needed]
While landscape reclamation projects have begun at the mine, environmental groups and local citizens[who?] are concerned with the potential for copper contamination and acid mine drainage from the mine tailings into surrounding river systems, land surfaces, and groundwater. Freeport argues that its actions meet industry standards, and have been approved by the requisite authorities.[citation needed]
Both Freeport and its partner Rio Tinto have been excluded from the investment portfolio of The Government Pension Fund of Norway, the world's second-largest pension fund, due to criticism over the environmental damages caused by the Grasberg mine. Stocks at a value of ca. US$ 870 million were divested from the fund as a result of the decisions.[10][11]

Attacks on the mine

Violent ambushes near the Grasberg mine have occurred as early as August 2002, when three contract school teachers were killed. Kopassus, the Indonesian Special Forces, allegedly instigated the incident.[12][13]
A series of attacks started on 11 July 2009, and continued for more than five days. A Freeport employee, 29-year-old Australian Drew Grant was shot and killed while sitting in the back of a car on the way to a game of golf. Indonesian police indicated that Grant was killed by five shots he sustained to the neck, chest and stomach by unknown assailants using military-issue weapons. The attack also killed Freeport security guard Markus Ratealo and a number of police officers.[13][14]
On 7 April 2011, two Freeport employees were killed when the company car they were traveling in caught fire. Bullets were found inside the car, giving weight to the suspicion that the car was fired on by unknown gunmen. This incident sparked a protest by hundreds of Freeport employees concerned about the security along the jungle road leading up to the mine.[15][16]
The Grasberg mine has been a frequent source of friction in Papua. Possible causes of friction are the mine's environmental impact on Papua, the perceived low share of profits going to local Papuans (Freeport's annual report shows it made $4.1billion in operating profit on revenue of $6.4billion in 2010) and the questionable legality of the payments made to Indonesian security forces for their services to guard the site.[15]
Papua is also the home of Free Papua Movement, a revolutionary organisation whose purpose is to overthrow the current government of Papua and West Papua. The organisation has been blamed for some of the attacks that have happened near the mine.[15]

READ MORE - Grasberg mine (Papua, Indonesian)

Mengintip Kekayaan Energi di Laut - Laut  memiliki ”segalanya”. Laut menjawab ”semua” persoalan. Laut adalah ”ibu kehidupan”—jika kita ingat planet berevolusi dari zat gas-cair-padat. Potensi dan fungsi laut demikian luas rentangnya. Di sisi lain, laut juga menjadi daerah yang rawan berbagai gangguan, mulai dari penyelundupan, pencurian ikan, perompakan, hingga kecelakaan.

Sejumlah pakar dari berbagai bidang ilmu berkumpul, berbagi pengetahuan tentang peluang kemanfaatan, fungsi, dan kerentanan laut, di Center for Oceanography and Marine Technology (COMT) Universitas Surya, Jumat (29/8/2014), di Tangerang, Banten.

Menyambut janji presiden terpilih Joko Widodo atau Jokowi untuk mengembangkan sektor kelautan dan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia. Cita-cita besar yang ditunggu-tunggu banyak pihak mulai dari kalangan akademisi dan ahli hingga pengusaha dan kalangan aktivis lingkungan.

Dalam pertemuan itu, Alan F Koropitan, Direktur COMT Universitas Surya, menegaskan peran dan fungsi laut. Menurut dia, selain sebagai pusat kedaulatan, laut juga berperan sebagai sumber pangan, poros maritim, serta alat dan sarana pemersatu bangsa.

Para ahli juga menegaskan posisi penting dan strategis negara kepulauan Indonesia. Konsep ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan, dan keamanan rakyat semesta merupakan konsep yang strategis untuk visi kelautan.

Di luar itu semua, kita tak bisa menafikan peran teknologi untuk mewujudkan semua peran dan fungsi laut itu. Sekretaris Dewan Kelautan Dedy Sutisna menggarisbawahi, teknologi tak bisa ditinggalkan karena, ”Teknologi adalah akselerator untuk tiga pilar lain."

Dia menggambarkan pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan sebagai sebuah rumah dengan empat pilar. Tiga pilar selain iptek adalah sumber daya manusia, sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan, serta habitat (laut).

Laut sumber energi

Ketika Indonesia dalam kebijakan energi nasionalnya menetapkan adanya bauran energi baru dan terbarukan, laut belum dilirik serius.

Menurut peneliti dari Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory di Columbia University, R Dwi Susanto, laut menyimpan banyak potensi untuk pengembangan energi baru terbarukan.

Sementara Alan yang menyampaikan paparan tentang peran iptek dalam pembangunan maritim menyatakan, ada beragam energi yang bisa dihasilkan dari laut melalui berbagai proses fisika.

Menurut dia, dari laut bisa didapatkan energi dari konversi gaya mekanik (energi gelombang dan energi arus laut) atau dari gaya potensial (energi pasang surut). Energi dari laut juga bisa muncul dari perbedaan temperatur air laut (energi panas laut atau ocean thermal energy conversion/OTEC). Sementara laut Indonesia luasnya meliputi 70 persen dari wilayah Indonesia dengan luas sekitar 5,8 juta kilometer persegi.

Menurut Dwi, dengan jumlah pulau yang mencapai belasan ribu, energi yang potensial dikembangkan adalah dari arus laut. Sejumlah penelitian telah dilakukan dengan sektor utama dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM).

Energi gelombang

Energi yang paling dilirik untuk dikembangkan dari laut secara umum adalah energi gelombang. Indonesia yang terletak di antara dua samudra besar yang jadi motor pergerakan arus laut global memiliki potensi besar mendapat gelombang kuat.

”Sepanjang pantai selatan yang merupakan bagian dari Samudra Hindia berpotensi tinggi untuk sumber energi dari gelombang laut,” kata Dwi. Panjang pantai yang menghadap ke selatan dan menjadi bagian Samudra Hindia membentang mulai dari Sumatera Selatan hingga sebagian Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).

Sementara dari catatan yang disampaikan Alan, ”Konversi gelombang laut dengan tinggi rata-rata 1 meter dengan periode 9 detik mempunyai daya 4,3 kilowatt (kW) per meter panjang gelombang.”

”Dari deretan gelombang setinggi dua dan tiga meter bisa membangkitkan daya 39 kW per meter panjang gelombang,” ujar Alan. Kekuatan energi itu menurun ke arah timur.

Di sisi barat Pulau Sumatera berpotensi menghasilkan sekitar 20 kW per meter panjang gelombang. Di selatan Jawa hingga selatan Sulawesi, gelombang berpotensi menghasilkan 15 kW per meter panjang gelombang. Sementara pantai selatan dengan posisi lebih timur dari Sulawesi menghasilkan sekitar 5 kW per meter panjang gelombang.

Energi gelombang merupakan energi kinetik (energi yang muncul akibat adanya gerak). Energi itu memanfaatkan beda tinggi gelombang laut.

Untuk mengonversikan energi gelombang menjadi energi listrik, dibutuhkan persyaratan terkait parameter-parameter gelombang yaitu tinggi gelombang, periode gelombang, dan panjang gelombang laut.

Menurut catatan pada paparan itu, bagian dari paparan Alan, ada 4 teknologi yang telah diaplikasikan sebagai pembangkit listrik yaitu sistem Rakit Cockerell/Pelamis, Tabung Tegak Kayser, Pelampung Salter, dan Tabung Masuda.

Arus pasang surut laut

Selain gelombang, arus pasang surut laut adalah potensi besar lain yang pantas dikembangkan.

”Yang dimaksud adalah arus pasang surut, bukan perbedaan tinggi air saat laut pasang dan surut,” kata Dwi. Arus pasang surut ditemukan di selat-selat sempit yang banyak terdapat di sela-sela kepulauan di wilayah timur Indonesia. Sejumlah penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengukur potensi energi dari arus pasang surut itu.

Beberapa arus pasang surut yang kuat, di antaranya Selat Ceningan di antara Nusa Ceningan dan Nusa Lembongan. ”Selatnya sempit, lebarnya hanya sekitar 50 meter, arusnya bagus, arusnya kuat,” jelas Dwi. Dari penelitian yang pernah dia lakukan, kecepatan arus pasang surut laut Indonesia di beberapa lokasi, bisa mencapai lebih dari lima meter per detik.

Selat itu amat sempit dengan perbandingan lebar 50 meter dan panjang sekitar satu kilometer (1.000 meter). ”Karena selat panjang, turbin bisa di pasang di sejumlah titik mengikuti panjang selat,” kata dia.

Pada paper yang disampaikan Alan, cara kerja pembangkit listrik tenaga arus laut tak berbeda jauh dengan pembangkit listrik memakai tenaga angin, yang memanfaatkan putaran kincir untuk menggerakkan generator sehingga menghasilkan listrik.

Untuk bisa menghasilkan listrik, syaratnya adalah kecepatan arus laut minimum adalah dua meter per detik, dan yang ideal sekitar 2,5 meter per detik. Energi arus pasang surut itu cocok untuk pulau-pulau kecil.

Menurut Dwi, tenaga angin di Indonesia tak optimum untuk dijadikan sumber energi jika dibandingkan arus pasang surut dan gelombang laut. Penyebabnya, ”Angin di Indonesia tergantung dari musim, sehingga sering bergeser. Angin lokal bisa kecil sekali. Arah angin dan kecepatannya tak konsisten,” ujarnya.

Di masa mendatang, muncul harapan agar energi terbarukan dari potensi laut bisa dikembangkan. Pengembangan energi terbarukan dari potensi yang ada di laut adalah satu dari sekian hal yang bisa membawa Indonesia berjaya kembali di laut. Jadi, moto Angkatan Laut kita, ”Jalesveva Jayamahe” (di Lautan Kita Jaya) terwujud, dan cita-cita Indonesia menjadi Poros Maritim pun tercapai.
READ MORE - Mengintip Kekayaan Energi di Laut

20 TOEFL Tips

20 TOEFL Tips

  1. Familiarize yourself with the TOEFL format

    Most countries now offer the Internet based TOEFL (iBT). A few offer only the paper-based test (PBT). Make sure you find out which test you will be taking before you start studying for the TOEFL. You cannot choose to take the paper based test if your country offers the iBT. One reason people experience exam stress is because they don't know what to expect before a test. Prevent stress on exam day by studying the format of the test in detail. ETS has very clear standards about the format of their test. This is why it is called a "standardized" test.
  2. Research TOEFL score requirements

    The TOEFL is required for any non-native English student who wants to go to a post-secondary school in the United States. Most people take the TOEFL in order to apply to a specific school or program. Before you begin studying, find out what the requirements are for the schools you are interested in going to. Remember that the scores for the paper based test are different than the scores for the iBT. Some schools will look at your scores from different sections. Each iBT section is scored out of 30. Many universities expect you to achieve higher writing skills than speaking skills. TOEFL scores are only valid for two years.
  3. Learn academic English

    TOEFL is used for a different purpose than other ESL tests. The TOEFL measures your ability to succeed in an American university or college. Other English-speaking countries also require TOEFL scores as a prerequisite for admission. You don't have to know about the business world as you do in the TOEIC test. Instead, you should concentrate on studying language that you would hear and see on campus and in the classroom. In other words, you should read textbooks, encyclopaedias, journals and research articles rather than advertisements and resumes. You won't need to know any background information about certain subjects, but it will help you to become familiar with the presentation and language used in academic material. You should also watch modern television and movies. If you have a friend who goes to an English university, go to class with him as often as you can. Borrow his books and hang out with his friends.
  4. Use practice tests

    The best way to prepare for the TOEFL is to practise doing the tests. If you are taking a TOEFL class, your teacher will provide you with plenty of material. If you are studying for the TOEFL on your own, you will have to purchase a few key resources. Find a textbook that has exercises, vocabulary, practice tests, CDs, and explanatory answers. You might not want to work through a book from front to back. Work on the sections that you find most challenging. Don't just rely on one book. You might have a book that is much easier than the official TOEFL. Look for free samples on the Internet to supplement your textbook. Make sure the question types are up to date.
  5. Find a mentor

    A reliable native English teacher who knows a lot about the TOEFL is one of the best resources a student can have. You will have many questions that your textbook can't answer for you. Frustrated students often give up. It is important that you have someone who will answer your questions and encourage you when you feel down. If you cannot afford a teacher or a tutor, find a student who has studied for the test before. Sometimes other students can give you excellent hints and help you with grammar questions. You might be able to help other students with their questions too. Teaching another person is a great way to learn. If you use Twitter, search for "TOEFL". You will find teachers and students to follow and network with. Join the TOEFL Group on MyEC. Provide support to others and share tips on finding free practice tests.
  6. Build up your stamina

    The TOEFL test takes a long time to write. If you are taking the paper based test it will take you about 2.5 hours. The iBT is much longer. You can expect to be at the computer for 4 hours. Many students have an attention span of about two hours. This is the maximum length of most classes. After this amount of time performance starts to weaken. If you keep your study sessions to one or two hours, your brain will not be prepared to work for four. Start off with short study sessions, and work up to longer ones. It is absolutely necessary that you get a good night's sleep before this test. You cannot afford to be tired.
  7. Arrive prepared

    If you arrive at the test centre with all of the things you need, you will feel calm and ready. When you are nervous, your memory does not work as well. Make sure you know exactly how to get to the test centre and where you can park. Bring the correct amount of money for parking. If you are writing the paper based test, you should have a number of pencils, a pencil sharpener and a few erasers that don't smudge. It is also important that your identification looks valid. If you have had problems with your ID before, make sure to bring a backup photo. Don't forget any paper work that ETS sends you to prove that you have registered.
  8. Pace yourself

    Plan to arrive at the test centre at least 30 minutes ahead of time. Wear a watch. This is especially important if you are taking the paper based test. Some exam rooms do not have clocks. The iBT has a clock on the screen, however, you should still wear a watch to make sure that you arrive on time! During the exam, watch your time very closely. Many students do poorly on the TOEFL because they spend too much time on difficult questions. There is no break between the Reading and Listening section. You will get a ten minute break after the first half before the Speaking section. You will only have a short time to write the essay. Spend some time planning and checking your writing.
  9. Improve your typing skills

    You will have to fill out your answers on the computer and type your essay. If you rely on a few fingers to type, consider improving your typing skills before taking the TOEFL. Make sure that you are confident typing on a QWERTY keyboard. If you aren't, search for typing practice drills online. Even if your typing skills are strong, try doing practice tests on other computers. Some students get so used to their own computer that they get nervous when they have to type on a new keyboard or use a different mouse on test day.
  10. Become an expert note taker

    You will be able to take notes in each section as you take the TOEFL iBT. Note taking is allowed because it is an important skill you need for taking university or college courses. As you study, practise taking notes on the main idea of what you read and hear as well as on the main details. Do this throughout your day as you listen to news reports, read websites, and watch TV. Create your own shorthand for frequently used words and phrases.
  1. Answer every question

    Never leave a question blank. Eliminate all of the answers you know are wrong and then make an educated guess. You have a 25% chance of getting the correct answer. When you finish a section or question, try to put it out of your mind. Whether you are reading, listening, or answering a question, put all of your concentration on the task at hand.
  2. Secrets for the Reading section

    The iBT does not test grammar separately as previous TOEFL tests did. You will still need to prove that you have a strong grasp of grammar in the speaking and writing sections. It is helpful to familiarize yourself with key academic vocabulary. There are helpful textbooks for this purpose. Keep in mind that you don't need to know every word in a reading passage to answer the questions. Practise reading without a dictionary close by. When it comes to the questions, concentrate on the areas that the questions pertain to. Skim through the passage, read the questions, then read for more detail. The questions usually come in the order they appear in the passage. Anticipate the type of questions you will be asked in this section. Many of the readings have a main idea question. You will be asked at least two vocabulary questions from each reading. You will also be asked some detailed questions and some inference questions. You will not have time to reread a whole passage. Share your own secrets for the TOEFL Reading section here.
  3. Secrets for the Listening section

    When you are practising for the listening sections, don't play the tape or CD more than once. On the real test you will only hear everything once. You have to train your ears to listen fully the first time. During the real exam, don't look back at a listening question after you have decided on an answer. You cannot change it. The clock will not start running until you start the answers. Learn to listen for main ideas, presentation (compare/contrast etc.), and key details. Share your own secrets for TOEFL listening section here.
  4. Secrets for the Speaking section

    It is okay to hesitate for a moment or two when it is time to respond. However, it is best to fill as much of the time as possible with your response. If you have a few extra seconds you can sum things up in a short conclusion. You will lose marks for poor pronunciation, so don't try to use big words that you can't say properly. You will also lose marks for improper use of vocabulary and idioms. Make sure you know how to use an expression properly before you try to use it on the exam. Share your own secrets for the TOEFL Speaking section here.
  5. Secrets for the Writing section

    Don't forget that you will have to make connections in the first part of the Writing section. Memorize phrases from practice tests that show you how to do this. The most important thing is to keep your writing simple and clear. You will not have access to a spell check function. Don't use vocabulary and punctuation that you are unsure of. Spend some time planning your essay before you write it. Your outline will save you time in the long run. When you practise for the essay, find a format that you are comfortable with. Use this format every time. For example, your thesis might always be in the third sentence of your introduction. You might always end your conclusion with a question. Make sure to use lots of examples to support your essay. Transitional words and phrases will make your writing easier to read. Memorize a list of these and practise typing them. Always leave time to review what you have written. Read your essay silently in your head as you check it. Share your own secrets for the TOEFL Writing section here.
  6. Strengthen all 4 skills

    Some people make the mistake of taking the test too soon. Perhaps your reading, listening, and writing skills are ready, but your speaking skills still need work. If you do very poorly on one section of the test, you will have to retake the entire test. You can't redo one section. Make sure that you are ready to take the whole test when you register.
  7. Dress in comfortable clothing

    Dress in comfortable layers on test day. You never know whether or not the test room will be cold or warm. Wear your favourite shirt. When you feel comfortable you perform better! Don't wear tight clothing. You have to sit in one place for a long time. Though you want to be comfortable, do take time to look your best on test day. In other words, dress for success.
  8. Make sure to eat before the test

    Four hours is a long time to go without a snack. You will not be allowed to bring any food or drinks into the test room with you. Eat a sensible meal before you take the test. Avoid too much caffeine as it will give you the shakes. Don't consume large amounts of sugar right before the test. You will get tired very quickly. Make sure that you have had plenty of water (but not too much as you will not want to waste time in the washroom).
  9. Refer to the official TOEFL website

    The official TOEFL website ( has a number of helpful things that you can download for free. They will supply you with a list of writing topics for the essay. You can also find important information about test centres and test updates. Many of your questions can be answered here. You will also get hints about which resources are worth buying.
  10. Reward yourself

    After you take the exam, reward yourself for all of the time and effort you put into learning a second language! Treat yourself to a gift or a night out. No matter how well you did on the exam, you deserve a reward. Write down what your reward will be before you take the exam. It is always helpful to have something to look forward to.

Update - Penerimaan CPNS 2014

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014
Pemerintah memastikan tahun 2014 ini akan merekrut 100.000 Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), dengan rincian 65.000 Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS), dan 35.000 Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK).

Sesuai UU ASN, Presiden sebagai pemegang kekuasaan tertinggi dalam kebijakan, pembinaan profesi, dan Manajemen ASN mendelegasikan sebagian kekuasaaannya kepada Kementerian yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang pendayagunaan aparatur negara dalam hal ini Kemenpan.

Manajemen ASN sendiri terdiri atas Manajemen PNS dan Manajemen PPPK, salah satu unsur Manajemen PNS adalah penyusunan dan penetapan kebutuhan dan pengadaan. Sehingga seperti tahun 2013 penetapan kebutuhan formasi serta jumlah PNS dan PPPK yang akan direkrut tetap dibawah kendali pusat.

Penetapan kebutuhan dan pengendalian jumlah PNS ditetapkan oleh Menteri secara nasional berdasarkan:
  • Penyusunan kebutuhan jumlah dan jenis jabatan berdasarkan metode analisis jabatan dan analisis beban kerja.
  • Perencanaan kebutuhan SDM 5 tahun dengan rincian per tahun berdasarkan prioritas kebutuhan

Pengadaan PNS merupakan kegiatan untuk mengisi kebutuhan Jabatan Administrasi dan/atau Jabatan Fungsional dalam suatu Instansi Pemerintah. Pengadaan PNS di Instansi Pemerintah dilakukan berdasarkan penetapan kebutuhan yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri PAN dan RB dengan tahapan sbb:
  1. Perencanaan 
  2. Pengumuman lowongan
  3. Pelamaran
  4. Seleksi (administrasi, kompetensi dasar, dan kompetensi bidang)
  5. Pengumuman hasil seleksi
  6. Masa percobaan
  7. Pengangkatan menjadi PNS
Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas 5 (lima) tahapan awal sebagai informasi utama dalam proses perekrutan CPNS. Penulis akan berusaha untuk meng-update informasi maupun data-data yang mendukung semua tahapan penerimaan CPNS 2014.

1. Perencanaan
  • Update 1. Berdasarkan surat Deputi Bidang SDM Apaaratur Kemen PANRB No. B/1229/D.III-PAN-RB/03/2014, paling lambat hari Jumat tanggal 28 Maret 2014 para Pejabat Pembina Kepegawaian Pusat dan Daerah agar menyampaikan Usulan Formasi Tahun 2014 (ASN maupun PPPK) sesuai degan format isian. Apabila sampai tanggal tersebut belum diterima Oleh Kemenpan RB, maka usulan formasi akan diproses pada tahap berikutnya.
2. Pengumuman lowongan
  • Belum ada informasi
3. Pelamaran
4. Seleksi (administrasi, kompetensi dasar, dan kompetensi bidang)
5. Pengumuman hasil seleksi

Informasi Penting Lainnya
  • Syarat porsi belanja pegawai di bawah 50 persen APBD juga masih berlaku. Artinya, daerah yang separoh lebih APBD sudah tersedot untuk belanja pegawai, tidak akan diberi formasi CPNS dan PPPK tahun 2014 - sumber
  • Pemerintah merencanakan seleksi CPNS digelar sebelum atau sesudah pilpres Juli 2014 - sumber
  • Model ujian CAT akan digunakan pada seleksi CPNS untuk seluruh Instansi pusat dan instansi tingkat Provinsi. Sedangkan di level Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota sifatnya masih berupa anjuran - sumber
Akhir kata persiapan sedini mungkin baik persyaratan maupun materi soal merupakan langkah terbaik menghadapi penerimaan CPNS 2014 ini, tidak lupa jagalah kesehatan dan selalu berdoa.
READ MORE - Update - Penerimaan CPNS 2014
